Friday, 30 April 2010

Targeting, Segmentation and Positioning

Businesses target specific markets which their product would relate best to. Aiming products at a market not only improves the chances of increased sales but also helps to make advertising & Marketing easier. Some businesses target more than one market in order to gain more sales and market share. Some products suit more than one group of people or diverse into another market.

A target market is a specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services

Important factors to take note of when aiming at target markets are:

*Whether the customers male or female

*How old they are

*Where they live and geographical location. Whether where they live can be a limitation.

*What do they do for a living

*Their yearly income

*Their lifestyles and hobbies


Market segmentation is based on differences in demographiv factors of different groups of consumers. It is one of the five common segmentation stratefies and aims to define specific niches that require custom-tailored promotion.

This is when the market is divided into a number of sub-markets/segments. Each homogenous group of consumers react differently to promotion, communicatoin, pricing etc. They should be as small as possible in order to see the difference between buyers within each segment.

It is highly imporant because buyers of a product or service are from no particular group. Every buyer has individual needs, preferences, behaviours etc. Because of this, it would have been impossible to suit to every customer individually; therefore marketers created groups based on common characterstics.

Businesses market segment because it improves the marketing plans and enables decisions about the intensity of marketing activities in specific segments.

7Ps and Market Segmentation
Physical Evidence

Each one of the 7 Ps will have to be accounted for in accordance to a target market when marketing.

STEPS in Marketing:

Effective Segmentation is:
*Identifiable - The different attributes of the segments must measurble so that they are able to be identified
*Accessible - They must be reachable through communication and distribution channels
*Sizeable - They should be large enough size required to justify the resources.
*Profitable - It is not good in targeting a segment that is sizeable but not profitable
*Unique - They must respond differently to different marketing mixes
*Durable - Theys hould be stable to minimize the cots of frequent change
*Measurable - The marketing mix as well as the potential segment should be measurable
*Compatible - They must be compativle with the firm's resources and capabilites

This is the efforts put in my businesses to influence consumers perceptions of a brand or product relating to the perception of competing brands or products/services. Its objective is to occupay a clear and uniqe position in which would become more advantageous. Examples include the safest car, the fastest car or the most eco-friendly car.

After finding a target market, a business needs to see how it will position itself within the segment.

Developing a positioning Strategy

This depends on how competitors position themselves. Positioning products changes the way consumers percieve the product.

This video is clearly targeted at the young single man (bachelor) who perhaps is in the middle to upper class sector. He would have a lot of disposabe income. The woman in the video would give an appearance of class and admiration as if the car was bought, this is what would happen to you. Positioning would be with the luxury, speed and unique style.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Final Reflection on Blogging

Blogging has been a fun and personal way of learning the different topics in this module. Some the most fun blogs to make were the Tweens, Nostalgia and Family. The main reasons for these was because before research, I had already had some sort of understanding of the area as well as the fact that I could be more personal with them.

On top of lectures, blogging has allowed me to take part in more in-depth research else where which too has helped me remember the module in more detail. Information in which I would not have remembered during the lecture or have even found out, was found in the research I had done. An example of this is the extract about the 'Pinto' car in Brazil where no one would buy it as it meant 'small male genitals', which I found amusing.

I found blogging fun in comparison to assignments just on their own as I was able to find videos, print ads and incorporate humour into it all. I could also make it personal and write it the way I speak. I too, was also able to express myself more. Although they were fun, it did get quite hard to do, when there was more than 2 blogs to do a day. Almost all of the time I had been up to date with them, apart from 13 and above.

Strangely enough, I have also improved my skills with technology as I've had more practice with embedding videos and even with the simple fact of using 'Blogger' as a website due to the fact I had never blogged before. When I had first used it, I found it confusing and difficult; now its easy and finding my way around is simple.


Culture is said to be the way of life that a particular group of people follow. This relates to their ordinary everyday behaviour and habits; what their beliefs are, attitudes towards each other as well as their moral and religious beliefs.

Culture affects everything we do. This starts from relationships to how businesses from different cultures interact with each other. There is an understood framework when cultures interact with each other which is why people of the same native understand each other easily. Culture shocks can occur when cross cultural interaction occurs. A culture shock is a feeling of confusion felt by someone visiting a country or place that they do not know.

The key to successful advertising is trying to convince people that a product is meant for them. By trying to make them feel that buying that certain product, they will receive a benefit which could be a lifestyle improvement, status, financial rise or even to help them generally (convenience). A thing to take note of is when advertising overseas, it is highly important to take note of the different values and views these people have. This makes it crucial that all cross cultural advertising campaigns have to have an understanding of what the culture is about.

Examples Include:
*Language - Here, slogans and company product names need to be focused on as they may seem offensive or confusing for the targeted culture abroad. A prime example of this is the launch of Ford's car, the 'Pinto' in Brazil. After sales had failed to rise, they then realised after research carried out that Brazilians did not want to be seen driving a car meaning 'Tiny male genitals'.

*Communication Style - Business advertising abroad need to understand the way that other cultures communicate and they way in which they do it.

*Colour, Number and Images - Some cultures have lucky colours (e.g. China's lucky colour is red and Japan's unlucky colour is black)and some colours mean importance or provide significance such as green for Islamic people.

It is said that a lot of hotels in the US or UK don't have a room 13 or 13th floor as it is seem as badluck. Also Nippon Ariways in Japan do not have the seat numbers 4 and 9. This is something businesses would need to take note of when it comes to launching a product abroad. This could mean packaging products in those numbers could prevent sales from rising as people will not purchase the product due to superstitious beliefs.

Images can also be sensitive to specific cultures. In Islamic countries, pictures of women in bikinis are highly offensive which could cause rage within the country.

*Cultural Values - Knowing cultural values are really important and must be analysed very carefully. A lot of countries are dominated by one main religion which means anything to offend them will not succeed in sales. Some countries are family orientated such as Japan and some Eastern European Countries; and some believe in the safety of animals and are against the capturing of stray dogs for example. Romania is one of these countries. Dogs roam freely around the streets and the locals love them. Therefore, releasing an advert which have anything to do with dogs and animal cruelty would not go down well. Countries where teamwork is valued; using the word 'I' would be seen as a negative.

This advert is trying to show that Cadburys is a Fairtrade product. Sadly, it was accused of racism and received 29 complaints where African people felt it was demeaning.

Extract from a Brand Republic Article:

A spokesman for the ASA said: "Although the council acknowledges that Cadbury had used stereotypes in their ads, they felt that the stereotypes were not harmful or offensive."

The ad was created by Fallon, in collaboration with Ghanaian creatives, to celebrate the fact that Dairy Milk now only uses Fair Trade chocolate.

At the time the ad was released, Cadbury's marketing director, Phil Rumbol, said: "Music has always been a big part of Glass and a Half Full Productions and we were inspired by Ghana’s love of music so it seemed the perfect way to capture the spirit of the country was through a track.

Me, personally, I didn't think it was racist at all; but there are always people out there who see something out of nothing which is why it is important for businesses to be extra careful when it comes to advertising abroad or advertising about something abroad. This Cadbury's advert is a prime example.

This advert below on the other hand had doen really well incorporating culture with Hotels.

Obviously, with the stereotypes of Japanese and European; they had shown each of the dancers in a way in which they looked gifted. Just as the ballerina's foot goes down the word 'Precision' was said. This automatically shows the viewer the in-depth talent and precision these dancers have. It is as if these countries have all these features within them (making them seem unique and special) which in a way would compliment anyone from those countries.

Perception - The Experiments

The aim of the assignment was to show the different ways in which human perceptions dominate their feelings towards products in everyday life. This incldued their general expectations for a product with the use of colour, movement, sound, smell and touch.

Perception is the process where people’s stimuli are selected, organised and interpreted. People process data; where perception focuses on what people add to or take away from their sensations of data. Their perceptions are organised and then interpreted from which a meaning is assigned for the product. Prentice-Hall (2002) (Page 56)


A perceptual test was carried out using two different brands and leagues of water. At the lower end of the scale, Sainsbury’s basics water was used and at the higher end was Evian water.

The panel of testers included 4 girls and 4 boys who each had to try the basics water in a cup followed by the Evian water. After, they took a guess at which cup of water they thought was the Evian and which was the basics as well as which cup they preferred.

Before the test took place each testee was told about the two different kinds of water. Some of the testees were given two of the same type of water instead of one of each. This was to show how the subconscious mind can make people believe create opinions.

After the test was completed the results mainly shown that most people could not tell the difference between the two brands. Some of the testers even favoured one cup oppose to another when both were the same brand.


Almost all of the testers made a guess on which water they preferred. Results concluded to 5 out of 8 preferring the what they thought was Evian water and 3 out of 8 had chosen the basics water; they were biased to the cup that they thought was filled with the Evian water, even if their guess was wrong. Three out of four of the males had made a guess as they could not tell the difference between the two. Similarly, 2 out of 4 of the girls had done the same and guessed which cup of water they preferred.

When it came to the guessing which of the cups was which water, only 3 and a half (one of the testees had both Sainsbury’s basics water) people had guessed each cup properly. If the same testees had been tested between tap water and Evian water, the results would have varied as most would have known which water was the tap and which was the bottled. Bottled water altogether goes through a large cleaning process which makes it all taste the same.

The Goods and Bads of the Experiemnt:

*Table water tastes virtually the same everywhere. This made it hard before the test had started. The testees struggled with deciding which of the cups of water they thought was the basics and which they thought was the Evian.

*Some of the testees would have probably eaten some type of strong food before the experiment which would have changed their opinion on which cup they preferred. This could have made them think that the second cup of water tasted better as the first washed down and cleared their throats.

*Serving the water out of plastic cups made it a fair test as if they were served out of their original bottles, this would have made the test biased. When it came to their opinions on which cup of water they preferred; the testees were biased to the cup they thought was the Evian, upper class cup. Looking at the packages of the two bottles of water would have changed the testees’ views on which water they were going to prefer.

The Evian bottle is shaped with carvings of mountains on them and the colours on the brand tag include red, pink, white and shades of blue. Contrastingly, the Sainsbury’s basics water has standard bottle shape, with the brand tag simply in white and orange. From looking at the bottles on the side of the table; the testees were automatically biased to which water was considered the better class of water and which was the standard cheap water. On the tag of the Sainsbury’s Basics water, it says ‘Still Table Water no fancy packaging, clearly water’. This too, evidently shows how simple and standard the water is. this clearly shows how much of a difference packaging makes to their potential customers. It can image a product completely in the wrong way or exactly how they planned it. The moment the product is viewed, they are judged straight away without a concious so it is vital that businesses package and name their products in order to attract the correct market for them.

Generational Marketing (Basics + Generation Y)

The marketing method to a specific generations of people affects the way that businesses promoted and sell their products and services. Every generational group has their own specific characteristics which help businesses characterize people by qualities such as they way they act, speak, their beliefs etc. to help market to their target market and catch all the right people.

Some of the Groups include:
*Millenials or Generation 2001ers - born after 1980
*Baby Busters or Generation Xers - born between 1965 and 1980
*Baby Boomers - born between 1946 and 1964
*Mature Citizens - born between 1909 and 1945

Below is a typical picture board that would appeal to myself as a part of my generation:

Typical things on this board include the introduction to Britney Spears and her sweet & innocent years. This is something everyone in my generation (Y) would remember. Jordan (Katie Price) too has been important as many girls look up to her as a role model. Zac Efron which is a teenage sensation currently who started off from High School Musical is included due to his high popularity. TV shows such as SKINS was very controversial and turned heads due to its extreme views on teenagers in the UK. It proved a success with its first and second season, however it's third has fallen in popularity slightly. Nowadays, fashion (VOGUE) is really important to this generation as more and more people starting from younger ages are caring about their appearance now. Lady Gaga is currently the more influential person out there as she broke out of the box and stood out due to her outrageous outfits not only on the red carpet but also in her everyday life. She is one of those people that will shape this generation. McDonald s of course is highly popular with my generation as well as obesity becoming an everyday common accepted disease as we can see from the boy in the picture. Brands such as TOPSHOP is highly successful this generation for all ages but mainly for teenagers up to about the 40s age range.

According to the Cambridge online dictionary, a teenager is a person from the ages of 13 to 19.

They are seen to be the most materialistic out of all the generations. Copying each other and competing to have the best toys, clothes and shoes is an everyday event. Image is very important to this age group as they are trying to fit in and impress everyone else.

The Life Cycle:
Early Maturity
Middle Age
Late Maturity

(Admap 1997)

Generation Y

This is a label for people born during the 1980s and early 1990s. People in Generation Y are usually referred to as “echo boomers” because they are the children of parents born during the baby boom (“baby boomers”). The children born during this period have had constant access to technology such as computers and cell phones during their youth has caused employers to update their job spcifications and requirements and strategies in hiring in order to include technology into it. They are basically anyone who has been born in this millennium and is sometimes called millenials.

This generation is said to be as large as 78 million people in the UK alone. Gen Y can be split into three age groups:
*Young Adults

This generation is very based around the computer and internet. Nowadays, businesses have grasped on to this and decided to market their products heavily on the internet. Apart from the obvious pop up adverts, or side bars, social networking sites have become the massive rage. Websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Bebo and Myspace is where companies go online and create fan pages, pay ordinary people to mention their brand in their status, or start up new products. Myspace has become most popular for their music and discovering new talent. Twitter has become widely used with celebrities and bloggers, where as Facebook has very popular with groups on celebrities and products, whether its good or bad. The main objective for these busiensses and people is just to create some sort of talk about themselves. Some Facebook groups are even made by the company themselves. An example of this is the one about bringing the chocolate bar, 'Wispa' back. It works and it is the easiest way to reach this generation.

This advert is aimed the Generation Y as firstly it shows teenagers as the main characters. A common issue is facial acne at this age and also the fact that teenagers are usually self concious. The advert, smartly targets that and has a hidden message that using Clearasil will help to overcome the feeling of being self-concious and become confident and cool. The humour sense of the ad, too attracts the viewer as humour is something they relate to.

This is my most favourite advert out at the moment and is targeted at both males and females of the Generation Y. Apart from the fact that Adidas is a young brand, the sneaky peaks of very famous celebrities who are in the interest of all fellow generation Ys are all featured. David Beckham is probably the biggest one, followed by Snoop Dogg, Whitney Port, N Dubz, Oasis and many more recognisable faces. Also, from listening to friends talk; a lot of them have mentioned this advert saying how much they love it and thought it was really cool.

This Dior Perfume ad is targeted at the younger generation oppose to adults. Even though, Christian Dior is usually aimed at the wealthy, and most of their perfume range is aimed at older people, the particular Miss Dior Cherie range of perfume is usually bought by the late teens or young adults (myself for one). This specific advert for it shows a very famous high fashion model who most girls would not remember by name but she has a very familiar face as she is seen in many print ads as well as fashion catwalk shows. The print in the bottom of the page, 'Luxury of Freedom' is giving a sense of a teenager who cant quite be free but would like to experience it. Although the model is well above her teens, she is dressed to look pure and innocent, wearing a light creamy pink colour to show sweetness and nativity. The fact her shoes are off show freedom and a sense of rebelliousness which is what teenagers tend to do. Someone living in a house as big as her (in the background) would not usually walk around barefoot, however she seems to be so free, she doesn't care. This is something a lot of teenagers would look up to. They would love to have a lot of money, a big house, nice car, be tall, beautiful yet still not let this overpower them and control them and still be free.

Marketing to the Over 50s

The Over 50s usually include the retired, pensioners or people who have small part time hobby jobs; all of which tend to not have their children reliant on them any more as they have left home.

From this pie chart below, the number of people aged 65 and over is very little in comparison to the amount of people from the ages of 20-64. This is in 1901 which could be the reason why there were so many people of the younger generation. At that time families used to have five or six children.

This chart now shows a large change in all groups as it is 1951. The over 65+ have increased, with the 20-64s taking up most of the chart and with the least is the under 20s. This is around the time my parents were young and I remember him saying how little money they had. The reasoning to why the there were so little people under 20 could relate to the fact that people had became smarter and realised that too many children is a struggle when you don't have a lot of money.

In 2011, the group 20-64s have still dominated more than half of the population however the biggest change is with the 64+ who have increased significantly.

During one of our Lectures we were put into groups and given a sheet with different groups of colour on them. One, being for children, one for 20s to 40s and then one for 50s+. The colours on the 50s+ page had a lot of creams and lilacs and lavender colours. This is the stereotype people associated the older generation with. Our task was to name a wall painting business and the colours on the page in which would attract our target market. Obviously names for the paint colours included ones such as 'lovely lavender'. Christmas cards and general card aimed at 50+ usually have some sort of lavender on it and perhaps a bouquet of flowers in a glass vase. They tend to be very simple.

The information below was found off a man called Andy Ownen's article to marketing to over 50s

He mentions that in the 30 years after this millennium, the over 50s sector will see an astonishing growth of 50% as well as almost half the population in the year 2030 being over 50 which includes 26% of the whole UK population over pension age.

He also found that the 'third-agers' can be divided into five lifestly groups (from a TGI sruvey):

*Thrifty Traditionals - this includes 17% of the age group. They tend to be not well off and have a very strict budget for every penny. They tend to watch a lot of TV and read tabloids.

*Outgoing Fun Lovers - They contribute to another 20%. They are magazine oriented, enjoy travelling, eating out, entertaining and tend to be above the average TV viewers.

*Astute Cosmopolitans - They add up to 18% of this age group. They tend to have the most money, like to read newspapers and specialist & lifestyle magazines. They also go abroad for holidays and don't tend to watch that much television.

*Apathetic Spenders - they consist of 22% more of the group. They take on debt through credit cards and usually do not take part in foreign holidays.

*Temperate Xenophobes - These make up the remainder of the sector. They love the Radio Times and most particularly do not like foreign food or travelling abroad and are heavy TV users.

This sector is said to be the most Currently, the over 50's sector is the most prosperous out of all the other marketing groups as 36% of all over 50s have an excess income of 20,000 pounds. The Henley Centre have estimated that 80% of the country's wealth is from the 50+ group.

This advert is aimed at the over 50s market. Firstly by the fact that everyone actually in the clip is over 50. The attire include the typical over 50s clothes with pastel colours and pearl earrings. When the transformation takes place, that nanny is wearing a silver glittery dress which looks almost 60s/70s based style. How the advert shows the nannies knitting the Shreddies is a hilarious stereotype of how everyone's grandmas knits! The older generation also like humour which is light-hearted and not rude which is exactly what this advert reflects. The backgroud music is also nostalgic to them as it reminds them of their younger days. It is clear to see this certain group of over 50s is in the category of 'Carefree' as they tend to act young and flirtatious. They seem to enjoy themselves and reverted back to teenagers. Even the man at the end in the red car is behaving like a forward, hormone raging teenage boy.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Social Class

Social class is the division of society made up of people possessing certain common social characteristics (lecture slideshow)

The groups include:

Most people think that class is all to do with the amount of money someone has in the bank. That is not true. It is said that class is dictated by money, education (qualifications), occupation and family background. Someone can be born into a specific class and change into a different class when they have grown up later in life. Someone originally born in a working class family with a Northern Accent who recently became a millionaire is not automatically upper class. This is because he/she would still speak like a working class citizen, dress like one and act like one. Similarly, someone who is born upper class and later on in life fails miserably in a job and declares bankrupt is not automatically categorised as working class because he/she would still speak the Queen's English, eat the same, and act the same.

This video was shown during the lecture which generalises the stereotypes and descriptions of each class.

Mintel also shows the socio economic groups
A (Upper Middle)
B (Middle Class)
C1 (Lower Middle)
C2 (Skilled Working)
D (Working Class)
E (Lower Class)

This next video shows the stereotypical family of each class. Working class families tend to have a lot more children than upper and middle. Middle class families have 1-2, and upper class families have 2-3.

During the Lecture, 3 boards were also made by sticking images out of newspapers and magazines which related to each class. The board for working/lower class consisted of cheap cars, cheap supermarkets, discount phones, the Labour party candidate Gordon Brown, Football and teen pregnancies. These all were seen to relate to the working class as they tend to be interested in these things. Football is there main sport and along with it on the board came an article on a father dying during a match as an opposing fan had thrown a bin on him. This too relates to this class as there is usually more violence and swearing. Cheaper phones and cars come into the equation as this is what they can afford.

The middle class however, are in between. They like luxuries, but they also like there discounts. They also tend to copy the upper class a bit by trying to seem a bit more well off. A lot of middle class families can now afford to send their children to private schools if the state school in their catchment area is struggling. They also tend to buy nice cars but balance it out with modest food and holidays.

Upper class includes luxury cars, big houses and a favourite sport of Rugby, Tennis and golf. This is a contrast to the working class who are favourable to football. There children almost all go to private schools in which some board and their holidays are usually extravagant.

Charity Marketing

A charity assignment was held in which primary research was carried out in my group. Three focus groups were carried out; one with over 30s and one with under 30s.
One method in acquiring the information was with the use of focus groups which is a controlled group interview consisting between 4 and 15 brought together with a moderator to focus on a specific product or topic. (2010)

Each Group was asked these Questions:

1.) Do you ever give to charity?
2.) What charities do you support?
3.) Why?
4.) How do you donate?
5.) Are there any charities you would never donate money to?
6.) Do you have any concerns about charities?
7.) What would make you give more money to charities?
8.) How do you react to direct mail from charities asking you for money?
9.) Which charity ad campaigns have the most effect on you?

Under 30s Focus Group 1
*This focus group was held at Brooke Street halls which included 8 students
*There were 3 girls and 5 boys ranging from the ages of 18 to 21
*Girls generally were more opinionated and passionate where as the boys were more light-hearted.

What they thought...
*The Majority said that they hardly ever gave to charity.
*The only candidate in which regularly gives to charity was a vegetarian girl who supported animals (RSPCA)
*If they did donate it was with the use of collection boxes at shop tills
*Almost everyone said the animal charities were the least important, except for the vegetarian girl of course
*Their main concern was whether their money actually would reach the victim
*Things that would make them give more money would be campaigns in which aim towards their age group and nothing that was boring. As well as not having monthly payments.
*They don't pay attention to direct mail
*Emotional adverts about children had the most effect on them e.g. Barnados. Apart from this, the vegetarian girl found the animal advertisements more disturbing.

Over 30s Focus Group 1
Here there were two smaller groups held, one with 6 individuals and one with 4.
One group was predominately men and the other was women
Women again, generally were more emotionally attached to the matter where as men were more practical about it.

What they thought...
*They all regularly gave to charity
*The women mainly gave to Cancer Research where as the men gave to Salvation Army. One man gives to the Poppies Charity which occurs once a year
*Cancer Research was popular for this age group due to it directly affecting them. *Salvation Army was a place for donation because of the English soilders and incurable kids
*Cancer Research too was one they supported as they buy brooches and give to collection boxes as well as donate clothes to charity shops. For the Salvation army, the cash is given straight to them.
*Most of them would not give to a charity that goes abroad and some said animal charities because they do not trust where the money is going
*They would give more if they knew exactly where the money was going. And one said there was nothing they could do to give more
*They are not interested in direct mail and bin it
*Children’s charities had the most effect as a campaign

Over 30s Focus Group 2
*Most of them said they occasionally gave to charity and one man said seldomly
*Charities in which were donated to was usually Cancer Research, the blind and whatever they were interested at the time
*Ways in which money was donated were usually with the use of collection boxes (in his restaurant), or the internet for the tsunami which occurred.
*Charities in which did not interest them were animal charities (especially horses for one of the men)
*One main concern is if the money actually goes where it is meant to.
*Another is that charities have high administration costs such as the Salvation Army, and too much of the money is spent on admin.
*Also, one man said that Cancer research needs to get rid of their older workers and get some new younger people in.
*They all bin their direct mail and consider it junk mail
*They are most affected by natural disasters such as Tsunamis, as well as Cancer

The Charity we chose was the Variety Club. They specialise in helping by which providing care for sick, disabled and disadvantaged children and young people.
They have been running for the past 60 years, they have successfully raised £200 million and improved the lives of more than 1 million young people

The Event consited of a Pyjama Run which we targeted university students. The reason behind this was because over 30s were hard to get a hold of in the area. This is especially due to the time of day the run was planned to be held (3:00pm). Turning it around, because through the use of Focus Groups it was found that over 30s were more likely to give to charity, we had devised a Sponsor sheet whereby each runner would be sponsored by people (mainly over 30s, i.e mum, dad, lecturers). Also from the Focus Groups done, it was found that the under 30s were more likely to participate in sometimes or volunteering for charity oppose to donating the money themselves as they do not have much. This combines the two groups together, allow both parties to be happy.

Marketing methods included posters around the Halls of Residence and University. A Facebook Group page as this is very popular amongst this age group. As well as word of mouth through fellow students.

Overall, I would have said that the event was a success as we raised 170 pounds in total for the Variety Club. Areas which I would have wished to improve on, would have been in the advertising of the event. Instead of making a Facebook group solely, we should have made a Facebook Event page where the run would be automatically listed in their events and reminders would be automatically put up as the date gets closer. This is because a lot of people forgot about the event closer to the time even though I had sent everyone in the group a message reminder.

Family & Purchasing

Family Purchasing habits are similar throughout. Usually women are in charge of the general household purchases. 80% of UK purchasing decisions are made by women where as 83% of 'creatives' are men.

There are different types of family:
Nuclear Family- This consists of a father, a mother and children who all live together
Extended Family- This is a nuclear family, however including other relatives such as grandparents and cousins.
Family of Orientation- This is the family someone is born into
Family of Procreation- This is the family founded through marriage.

Family Facts
1971-2008 the proportion of households in which actually owned their house rose from 49 per cent to 71 per cent.
Most of these increases occurred during the 1980s. This was due to a marked increase in the proportion of households owning with a mortgage at the same time.

Also in recent years more and more women are working whilst brining up their children. Also, women are getting married later which means they are getting children later as they want to start a career first.

In 2008, there were more women from the ages of 16 - 17 who worked then men. This changes however, and more men are working from 18 - 64 years of age, however the reverse happens again from the ages of 60-65 and over where there are more women working.

Also, figures from 2008, it is shown that more than two thirds of working women with dependent children became employed in the second quarter of 2008. Usually the younger the child, the lower the employment rate for the mother. Working-age mothers with kids under 5, only 57 % of them were employed.

Factors which affect the Family Needs
-Number of children (and their ages)
-Whether one or two of the parents are employed outside the house

Family Life Cycle concept consists of
- income, family composition, changing demands on income -

These are the different possible Titles:
1.Bachelor - This is someone who is young, single, not living at home
2.Newly married - They are Young and with no children
3.Full Nest I - Have their youngest child at under 6 years
4.Full Nest II - Have their youngest child at 6 years or over
5.Full Nest III - Tend to be Older married with dependent children
6.Empty Nest I - Are older married, have no children and living at home
7.Empty Nest II - Older married, retired, no children living at home
8.Solitary Survivor I In labour force
9.Solitary Survivor II Retired

Above is the family Life Cycle, as clearly shown, everyone starts off young and single. This then moves on to 'Young and married without children'; from here they can go either way between 'Young and Divorced' or 'Young married with children'. The cycle goes on, similarly to the different possible titles above the diagram. The amount of disposable income each stage has in the cycle changes. From being young with no children, there tends to be more disposable income as money is usually spend on themselves and on leisure. Once children come into the picture, money is more focused on them and perhaps having to move into a larger house, etc. This stays the same up until someone becomes Older, married without dependant children. This affects their shopping habits on certain products. More money is spent on leisure and luxuries when there is more disposable income and more is spent on food and commodities with families who have children.

Different Family Roles
Field (1969) identified three dimensions to which determine the relative influences of a husband, a wife and a child. They are:
-Discernment or technical know how
-Price - expensiveness which relates to who pays for the item
-Satisfaction which relates who will use the item

(Family Lecture Notes-Slideshow)

In a typical family, the father/male is the one who usually keeps track of the family's bills. However familys with stay and home mothers (male is the breadwinner) tend to have it the other way around to help their husbands out.

In the traditionally viewed family, the man is the one who usually earns the money whilst the woman tends to spend it. Nowadays, men and women both work and both spend their own money. This is a shared participation. Still, the men tend to spend/contribute more to daily expenses oppose to women.

Usually, the cultural background will decide the dominance of husband or wife. In eastern Arabian countries and Asia, almost always once married, the wife is dominated by the husband. In more developed countries such as the US or some countries in Europe, both the male and female are equally in control.

Who Shops For What:
Women are the ones who shop more (Women 75% men 53%)
Men are more likely to do DIY (Men 46%, Women 26%)
Men are more likely to have shopped online (Men 58%, Women 48%)
Around twice the number of men had bought computer software and hardware and electronic equipment)
Women shopped on line for groceries (Women 24%, Men 17%)

Different Roles of a husband and Wife:
Wives are usually in charge of the Food and Kitchen ware etc
Husband is usually in the hardware and technology etc
Joint Decisions include TVs, Fridges, Vacations etc

According to French Research by Taylor Nelson Sofres, In this current time men now have the least say in everyday items where as the women and chilren have the most. These inclue Video games, dishwashers, cookers etc.

Products Women are interested in and in charge of usually:
Hygiene Products
Men's underwear

Products Men are interested in and are in charge of usually:
Shaving cream

This distinctly proves how women have more control in everyday shopping and decision making. Men are only interested in a small number of products in which they specifically use for themselves. When it comes to products for both or the whole family, the women are usually in charge of. Even the women are the buyers for the men underwear. The only time of year where men have more say on food is during Christmas where the men tend to contribute a fair amount with the Christmas dinners.

This advert is clearly aimed at women. Not only is the lead, former Spice girl Emma Bunton but also most of the celebrities in it are from day time television which appeal more to women. In contrast, the advert below (released in 2008) is aimed at men or the older generation of men and women. It combines humour as well as a man role model, 'Des O'Connor' The reason this one is aimed at both is again because during Christmas men have more contribution to what gets bought for the dinners and parties.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Gift Giving

My Definition
This is the voluntary movement of an object (presents e.g flowers, clothes, toys, food) from one individual to another without wanting anything in return.

Web Definition:
A voluntary transfer of property or of a property interest from one individual to another, made gratuitously to the recipient. The individual who makes the gift is known as the donor, and the individual to whom the gift is made is called the donee.

If a gratuitous transfer of property is to be effective at some future date, it constitutes a mere promise to make a gift that is unenforceable due to lack of consideration. A present gift of a future interest is, however, valid.

Reasons why people give gifts:
1.) For a celebration or event
These include Birthdays, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Mother & Fathers day, Anniversaries, etc. Gifts are not essential to give during these moments however it reinforces the fact that they are celebrating the event with each other.

2.)To show someone how important they mean to ourselves
An example may include a boyfriend giving their girlfriend a new pair of earrings. They do this because they enjoy seeing their partner excited and happy about their new present.

3.)Giving a part of ourselves with the gift
Usually when people receive gifts, they get the expectations, values, emotions and hopes too. This helps to link two people even closer together. It makes you feel good about yourself.

This video above shows the problems within gift giving. Nowadays, people's expectations and hopes for gifts are really high and with big events like birthdays and Christmases it is highly expected to receive gifts. This video points out that because expectations are so high, people get disappointed and therefore friction happens between people.

At the time my parents were younger, they used to only receive one birthday and one Christmas present which used to be small such as new shoes, a bicycle, a toy however, now, children in this day and age ask for and get a number of expensive items at the same time. These include laptops, ipods and speakers, a number of clothes, perfume, shoes, etc. Gift giving culture has changed significantly. People are now overspending on each other even though they struggle to afford it. Below is an advertisement which came out during 2009 Christmas time by John Lewis:

Each person in the advert, is shown a gift that would best suit them. Businesses create the hype over spending ridiculous amounts on each other during celebrations and events. Here it is obviously Christmas which is why they are trying to attract people to buy presents from them. Events which never used to happen are now popular and over commercialised. This includes Halloween, Mother and Fathers day, Easter, etc. Most of these never even existed during the time my parents where young. They have either been invented or exaggerated for commercial purposes.

For holidays such as Easter comes Easter Eggs, Baskets, Bunny Costumes and cards on top of the traditional Easter roast. This is all unnecessary money being spent. People still do so as they find it fun and treat it as a ritual.

Last year:

The average amount a Brit spent during Christmas was £435

£170 is what is spent by an average British family for a Christmas diner.

1.7billion Christmas cards are sent each year in Britain.

There was 83square km of wrapping paper that ended up in UK rubbish bins (this is enough to wrap up the island of Guernsey)

£8.9bn will be spent by shoppers online this coming Christmas (according to the Centre for Retail Research)

Friday, 12 March 2010


My definition of 'Tween': They are a group of young children from the ages of 6 to about 12. They are not quite kids however, no where near adults or teenargers. They tend to follow the crowd and they are easily influenced.

Web Definition: A tween is a child between the ages of 9 and 12. A tween is no longer a little child, but not quite a teenager. While a tween is not yet in the midst of adolescence, he or she will face a variety of obstacles in the next few years including transitioning from elementary school to middle school, approaching puberty, increasing responsibilities, increasing amounts of homework, and exposure to dangerous behaviors by their peers including drugs, sex, and more.

Nowadays, parenting has changed significantly when it comes to their children's leisure and education. More people now can afford private education, children are more demanding meaning parents result to spending more money on toys, clothes, gadgets and food. There is this sort of feeling where parents want to give their children what they could not have or never had. Therefore there is this new trend where parents even compete with other parents on who gives the best for their children.

Another reason why this occurs is the feeling of guilt. A Television Program called 'Jo Frost: Extreme Parenting Guidance' on E4 shows the struggles within parenting where children begin to control their parents and need a behaviour change. The particular Episode I had watched was about a mother spending thousands of pounds for her 9 year old daughter by buying designer clothing and now having to resort to selling her house. A survey was done in the show, where most parents spoilt their children due to guilt for not being home as much as they liked or not spending enough family time together.

What Tweens are interested in:
-The best brands out there (e.g. best brand of trainers)
-Perfume and make up
-Princesses and heroes (knights, batman etc)
-Best stationary
-Best technology (nintendos DS, Wii, XBOX, Plasma TV)
-Being stylish (best clothes, best bedrooms)

Businesses and marketers have caught on to this trend and now have a market dedicated to the Tween generation. Toys alone, add up to a £2.2 bn industry. (Mintel) This means making their products appealing to that age range. Bright colours, bold text, funny advertisements,easy to understand advertisements or even an advert that would suggest that the child would be cool after buying the product are all factors which would encourage a tween to want the product. At this age, they tend to want to look cool and stand out. The most critical factor into making a product the 'it' product is the tween version of 'word-of-mouth' advertising which is called 'alphapups' which is where specific children in the palyground are the greatest influence on others.

Some of the biggest companies in which play in the Tweens market include Disney, BarryM makeup, Addidas, Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers and more. This link below shows just how much of an influence Hannah Montana is to the tween nation today. The Article claims to have crowned her the 'New Queen of Tween', following the footsteps of the Olsen Twins. It shows how she has landed on the Billboard's list of the 20 top earning artists of 2007 and with the Number 11 spot adding up to $64 million solely from her CD sales and tour receipts. Disney now has launched 140 items of Hannah Montana Merchandise which inlcude clothes, watches bedding, luggage, shoes, make up, spa kits and toys.

Different MARCOMS methods used in order to reach the Tween market include print ads in children's magazines such as Shout, Sugar, Girl Power, Mania, Little Angel, etc. Radio television also occurs on local radio stations as well as big nation-wide ones. This usually occurs when a movie is coming out or when concert tickets are on sale or able to be won. Although tweens don't usually sit there and listen to the radio, they do however, go in and out of rooms where perhaps their older sibling or parent are listening to it. Here, they are able to hear the advert or even the parent may take note and compete for their child. Billboards and posters are big especially when a movie is coming out, children on their way to the city for a day of shopping can see this from the car or even around the local town.

Pester Power is now largely used my tweens in order for their parents to get them what they want. Below is a definition from the Cambridge dictionary online:

pester power noun

the ability that children have to make their parents buy something, by asking for it many times until they get it

Tweens now know that if their parents say no to buying something; they have to behave nicely so their parents will acknowledge it and then buy them the product. Parents tend to give in to PESTER power as they feel it will shut their kids up or beleive the reasons why the child wants it for example 'Every other child on the playground having it'.

The video above, is an advert for Barbie beach dolls. The way in which this ad would relate to a tween is firstly, the girl driving the car is on quite a teenager yet, but not a child. The vibe of the advert makes the barbies look cool, and as if they have having a blast. TV shows such as Laguna Beach and the Hills relate to this. Tweens would have watched these shows and seen that hanging out on a beach wearing bikinis and drinking is cool so barbie as followed through with the advert.

Usually, the tweens favourite music groups include famouse disney singers or singers who started off in a Disney program. Some include the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens and more. One very popular singer currently started off on Youtube, which too, children go on these days. His name is Justin Bieber, he was found by the famous RnB artist, Usher and is now on the top of the billboards and charts around the world. Below was Justin's first single which straight away brought him to the top of the charts. Tweens all over the world are now in love with the new star. In this video, Justin uses the iphone, which may result to tweens asking their parents for that very phone.

I feel that advertising to tweens is relatively safe, if regulated carefully. They tend to be easily influenced which means advertising products such as McDonalds or other unhealthy products are and should remain heavily regulated. McDonalds is not allowed to me advertised on children's television channels any more. Using a young teenager or a child to advertise is different, on the other hand. It is harmless up to the stage where the child is put under enormous pressure to behave in an acceptable way because so many young fans look up to them. At the end of the day, they are human as well, and too, grow up and make mistakes. Two examples of this include the famouse Zoey101 star on Nickelodeon; Jamie Lynn Spears (sister of Britney Spears). She was a role model for a lot of tweens around the world but fell pregnant and now has lost her acting job.

Another, is Miley Cyrus' leaked images on the internet which portray her in a sexual way. This link includes an article and a short video on the leaked images.

Above: Miley Cyrus' Vanity Fair picture.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Official Thoughts on Blogging

What The Course will be about
-How customers perceive products and what businesses do in order to attract their target market as well
-Different means of advertising relating to the specific target group
-The different advertising groups and markets
-The different groups and class of people and how businesses differ when advertising specifically to them
-The different use of languange and images in order to stimulate different groups of people and genders

What blogs will contain
Each blog may contain general information about the blogging topic, in depth research into the topic as well as useful videos and pictures in which relate to the topic along with some description of each link.

What I Hope to Gain from Blogging
Other than the obvious, a better grade, i hope to gain a better understanding of the subject and areas of the subject. Doing the blogs would have helped me to find the different topic areas in the course a lot easier and hopefully to help improve my assignment grade. Blogging too, is fun, which will allow me to learn at the same time as enjoying myself. The fact that blog do not particularly have to be formal allows me to express myself more as well as add in a little bit of humour to it. The ability to add pictures and videos make it a lot more personal and make explaining myself easier.

Some famous and successful Bloggers:

One very well known blogger in the fashion world who has appeard in numerous magazines, fashion publications and even gets front tickets to a lot of major fashion shows around the world is 'Tavi Gevinson'. She is a thirteen year old American girl who started her blog at the age of 11. Her parents had no idea what she was doing until she had asked for permission to appear in the New York Times. She now has as many as 50,000 readers following her. She was invited as a special guest for New York Fashion week, and is even lucky receives free designer clothes, shoes and accessories.

What Makes a Blog Successful?
-Write frequently and are well written
-To have consistency
-To have an easy to read and well designed blog
-Easy to use
-Have varied topics which too need to make sense
-To be open
-To be responsive
-to be aware of its audience
-To be Honest
-To be funny

All these factors help to create a successful and popular blog which will lead to a higher number of blog followers.

Why Do People Blog?
-To make money
-To help search engine rankings
-To connect with others
-As a hobby because they simply enjoy it
-To create an outlet

Why do businesses blog?

It is a low-cost alternative to having a web presence. For small businesses, they would not have to learn web html or spend the money to hire a designer/or developper. It is an inexpensive method to get your company's name out on the itnernet.

Updating the weblog is quicker than contacting a web designer for making changes to a website.

They provide busineses with a chance to share expertise and knowledge with a larger audience. A powerful benefit for consultants and knowledge workers.

Example of a Business Blog:

Gizmodo which is a weblog about gadgets and gizmos for peopel who like to be on the cutting edge of consumer electronics. Some of the blogs include ones of the recently launched iPad and the amazing new specialised watch which has fragments of fossilized dino bones set in its dial, and is encased in 18K white gold with 56 diamonds equating to 3.46 carats.

Below is a video of Tavi Gevinson, interviewing the designer Rodarte. This shows the types of things successful bloggers include in their blogs and the types of topics and questions they ask as well as the extent of how in depth the research is.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Learning, memory and nostalgia

My definitions:
This is anything from someone's past which is remembered, this could be a significant event or simply a smell or a sentence.

Is something (smell, country, event, picture, etc) that reminds one of past events during childhood in which make them want to go back and re-live those moments.

Web Definitions:

-something that is remembered
-the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered
-the power of retaining and recalling past experience;
-the area of cognitive psychology that studies memory processes;

A sentimental yearning to return to an earlier time remembered as happier or more pleasant, or a former place evoking happy memories; a longing to experience again a former happy time; as, a nostalgia for the brotherhood of the Woodstock music festival; a nostalgia for the comradeship of one's college friends.

My Mood Board achieving nostalgia:

Above, my board shows a lot of my childhood, growing up around asia as well as Dubai. Most of my strong memories come from living in Indonesia and seeing the poverty as well as eating the food there. The Jakarta riots of 1993 was a big thing as my family and I had to evacuate the country. Some of my memories are of places in England where my family live, Devon. We used to stay in Beacon Lodge and go to pebble beach.

Reactions to feeling Nostalgic:
Sometimes people's emotions can change. Being nostalgic can bring about happiness, anger, regret or even sadness. Another thing is that people's accents or the way they speak may change. Their tone of voice too may change to suit the mood of the memory.

Nostalgic Advertisements:

This advert here, is targeted at older women and men with middle incomes. The reason for this is that it is John Lewis, which is considered expensive to other department stores. The music in the background - Sweet Child of mine was written by the Guns N Roses in 1987, which is around the time they were a child. The children unwrapping presents creates a sense of childhood fun as they remember opening their presents and how much more en-joyful christmas used to be as a child.

This second advertisement too is nostalgic to people aged 40 and above.

In this advertisement, the background music is a clear reason for being nostalgic. The song is Claire by Gilbert O'Sullivan and was released in 1946. The little boy running around freely in the sea and on the beach brings people back to the days as a child where they used to have fun without televisions and technology. Later, we see the boy run to hug his mother for and with full force, hits his head on her chest; luckily her breasts were there to protect his head. This is linked with the car's airbag and how driving freely, you can still be safe.


In my own words i would say that values are a persons set of objectives and beleifs on how they should behave in everyday life. Different groups of people have a different set of values which is why people act differently to each other.

"beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against something); "he has very conservatives values"

Values can motivate people. If someone's values are to loose weight; they would exercise and eat healthy. Another example could be someone wanting to do well in life. this means that they will study more, and socialise less.

Kahle's List of Values (1983)
1. Self Respect
2. Excitement
3. Being Well Respected
4. Self-Fulfilment
5. Sense of accomplishment
6. Warm Relationship with others
7. Security
8. Fun & Enjoyment
9. Sense of belonging

Time line for myself:
-During my lifetime i remember...

-The date of Diana's Death in 1997

-The Jakarta Riots in May 1998 as i was living there and had to evacuate the country.

-The September 11 (2001) Attack on the twin tower buildings in New York.

-The December 6th 2004 Tsunami as I was living in Indonesia at the time and had some of my teachers and my head teacher on holiday in Phuket and had experienced the Tsunami, however, luckily survived.

VALS Survey:
From taking this test I have been said to be an 'Innovator' as my Primary VALS and an 'Experiencer' as a secondary.
The primary VALS shows my dominate approach to life.

Innovators are successful, sophisticated, take-charge people with high self-esteem. Because they have such abundant resources, they exhibit all three primary motivations in varying degrees. They are change leaders and are the most receptive to new ideas and technologies. Innovators are very active consumers, and their purchases reflect cultivated tastes for upscale, niche products and services.

Image is important to Innovators, not as evidence of status or power but as an expression of their taste, independence, and personality. Innovators are among the established and emerging leaders in business and government, yet they continue to seek challenges. Their lives are characterized by variety. Their possessions and recreation reflect a cultivated taste for the finer things in life.

Experiencers are motivated by self-expression. Young, enthusiastic, and impulsive consumers, Experiencers quickly become enthusiastic about new possibilities but are equally quick to cool. They seek variety and excitement, savoring the new, the offbeat, and the risky. Their energy finds an outlet in exercise, sports, outdoor recreation, and social activities.

Experiencers are avid consumers and spend a comparatively high proportion of their income on fashion, entertainment, and socializing. Their purchases reflect the emphasis that they place on looking good and having "cool" stuff.

Below is the VALS framework

Group conformity, opinion leaders and peer pressure

A group is any number of entities (members) considered as a unit

A group is an important part of a human's social life. They can be from just two people or they can be cery large. They are highly rewarding to their members and sometimes to a society. Sometimes groups can cause danger.

A prime example of a group is what is known as a 'Chav'.

A 'chav' is known to wear burberry, hats, tracksuits, excessive amounts of gold jewellery, walk funny, curse a lot, get children at ridiculously young ages and drink a lot. Above is a stereotypical image of what a chav is said to look and act like.

There are many different types of groups:
Abscribed - the group one is born into
Reference - is a group looked to for lifestyle
Acquired - Is one which is joined or moved into
Aspirational - This is a group one apsires to belong to. Perhaps a group someone looks up to
Dissasociation - A group someone would hate to belong to. e.g. 'Chavs'
Contrived Formed for a specific purpose - This includes unions and committees.
Associative - What group someone realistically belongs to such as college friends and neighbours.
Peer - These are people of equal standing like school student or a regular contact

My Group Types:
Abscribed - A middle class, close family who act in a acceptable manner.
Acquried - New university friends group
Aspirational - Fashion groups of people such as models and fashion designers including Chloe, JackWills, Topshop, Christian Dior
Dissassociation - Chavs and Glam Rockers
Contrived - Used to be part of sports teams such as basketball, touch rugby and athletics
Associative - My classmates and the people i work with

Here is an aspirational advertisement:

The reason as to why I had chosen this ad is because firstly the product (perfume) is called 'the one' which already makes peopel aspire to be 'the one'. Secondly, during the ad the model looks to be having fun although it looks to be hectic, getting all the attention, famouse due to the paparazzi and she is also attractive which makes me aspire to live her life and be like her.

Different products make people associate them to specific groups. A prime example of this is someone wearing the labels Ralph Lauren or JackWills are said to be upper class posh people, where as someone wearing Lonsdale and Burberry are considered to be living in counsil flats and are chavvy.


Every group has expectations of behaviour which include the way they act, what they wear and what they do. Peer pressure can affect different groups in different ways. Some groups may pressure people to buy more luxuries and branded things such as a blackberry, Chanel bag and a nice sports car. Other groups on the other hand can pressure people to drink, smoke, or even act in violence.